We proposes resale destination from rich sales channels due to own network. We will sell products through domestic sales channels, overseas sales channels, online sales and real store sales. We will propose resale destination according to requests of clients.
pinetree Inc.
From 10:00am to 6:00pm JST

Flow of stock purchase

STEP1 Contact Us

Please send message after fill out required information in contact form.
We will check type, quantity and condition of products.

STEP2 Estimate

Give an estimate according to information from clients.
Send the estimate to the mail address filled in by clients.
Please also confirm conditions of purchase and resale method at this time.

STEP3 Receive and inspect products

Send goods in stock to Shaft Enterprise.
Clients send products to Shaft Enterprise by cash on delivery.
At this time, We will tally and inspect products.
We make sure whether quantity, type, condition of products checked before are correct or not.
We will give new estimate again if there is change in the estimate shown.

STEP4 Payment

Shaft Enterprise will pay purchase expense after make sure that there are no problems with estimate and purchase conditions shown.
Please show the designated account.